go ahead, just vent yourself
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Being Penniless Sucks
It Just Sucks
My Job Sucks
My Life Sucks
My Love Sucks
My Spouse Sucks
Vent out anything from traffic to tv that makes you go 'It Sucks'
Dog .. Run Run
Today i was chased by a dog, i ran screaming.. after what seemed like a longg time, the dog's owner caught the dog and said, you didnt have to run, he's a friendly dog. What nonsense, a friendly dobber man?? I hate it when people bring their dogs out for a walk and then let them loose..Idiots
Jaipreeth says it just sucks
Yes, that does suck
) -
Come on, stop whining
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doctor lingo
Saif says it just sucks
Couple of weeks back i had tested for cancer. I got the result yesterday. I was told that it was ne...
Meet the parents
kanwal 's love sucks
We had a "Meet the parents" kindof arrangement. My BF is meeting my mom in person for the first tim...
shushh it
lolita 's love sucks
My fiance took me out for dinner yesterday. The waiter spilled a little bit of water on the table.....
the break up
breakgf 's love sucks
I have been trying to break up with my GF. I have been making nasty remarks about her for a week no...
Opinion box
Dobber man?
not to mention people who has dogs will never understand why others dont want to be friendly with th